
Ren Hana is a character from Boyfriend to Death and The Price of Flesh. His debut was in the first Boyfriend to Death game in 2016. He was a originally a minor character but upgraded to a main character in Boyfriend to Death 2: Fresh Blood 2017. Recently he is now a minor character in The Price of Flesh and a main character in his free dlc.


In the first BTD the game didn't have a menu for the characters so there were no bios but here is a replica, I, the archivist made of what it would of looked like if there were a bio section.


Height: Age: Likes: Fears:
5'1 19 ??? Idk prob Strade

(cant add anything to the actual bio unfortunately but there was a Strade path remix announced ;}}}} )




Height: Age: Likes: Fears:
5 21 ??? ???

A short fellow who invited Lawrence to meet him. He seems cheerful but he may be hiding something.



Height: Age: Likes: Fears:
5'1 21 Sweets, Anime, Hearts His past

A near-human fox demon who's looking for a new friend. He can be sweet and gentle, or clingy and volatile. He's got some skeletons in his closet.

Note: Ren is not a fox demon despite what his bio says. Gatobob has confirmed this.


A charming, foxy young man with a lot of skeletons in his closet... or freezer.


Screen Shake: High

Gore: Very High

Rape: Mild

Horror: Very High

Nudity: Mild

Extra Warnings:

- Gun Violence

- Hard Vore

- Electrocution

- Severe Death/Gore of on-screen character

- Genital Mutilation



Name: Age: Height:
??? 47 5'1

A mysterious, inhuman figure who leads an illegal auction.

Rumors say he's incredibly experienced in the art of kidnapping. He rose up from humble beginnings, a captive himself.

After he gained his freedom, he dabbled in live-stream murder. His knack for showmanship won him instant popularity.

Now, with decades of experience, he guards his identity perfectly. He controls an entire auction system- although, from time to time, he will still put on a show of his own.


Warning Non-Consensual Filming and Live Streaming Forced and Unconscious Undressing Violence - Beating, Knives, Burning, Various Weapons Forced Feminization Joint Dislocation Foot Mutilation Eye Mutilation Asphyxiation / Hanging Gun Imagery and Sound Imprisonment Torture / Drugging / Mindbreak Themes Unreality / Mind Control Themes Described Hallucinations Non-Consensual Autocannibalism Gutting / Gore Imagery Self Harm / Cutting Self Implied Necrophilia* Forced Sexual Performance for an Audience* Sexual Assault and Rape*
Severity High High High Mild High High Extremely High High High Mild Extremely High High Medium Medium High High Medium High Extemely High

*Only with Sexual Content enabled at the beginning of the game

A brief history of Ren Hana as a fictional character

Ren was actually made by Electricpuke, not Gatobob, she herself confirmed this on her ask blog mulitple times and in past posts of her dark-blog.

As far as we know Ren was designed to be a punching bag. Not my words thats Gatos.

The earliest images found of Ren made by Electricpuke are from 2015 December made.

Warning: Nudity

EP had something planned for Akira and Ren but as far as I know nothing ever happened. That was mostly like because of the character trade with Gatobob for Veni.

Details about Akira's and Ren's relationship is unknown. They were sometimes drawn together by some of EP's ex friends, for example KaerBaer.

KaerBear: "Better late than never? Would have had this done sooner but the holidays always stress me out and I ended up sick, and fighting off a random bout of depression. Tis a belated gift to some of my favorite people!

Zypher & Ghost (green shirt w/ vest & pink shirt) are mine.

The floaty one, Luca and the one below him in the blue sweater, Ed belong to @morthern

The blond with the belly mouth is Aiden, he’s also mine.

Farz (brunet with the ponytail) and Sid (taunting him with the mistletoe) belong to @gatobob

Akira (the naga) and Ren (the fox boy) belong to @electricpuke

Ben, the teal haired one, belong to @abakkus

and last but not least, Severo, the one with horns and orange hair, belongs to Ben @labelphegor"

This doesn't tell us much about them both though besides Akira is possibly a little nice to Ren.

Now for EP's RENdition of Gato's Ren!

yeah nothings stopping me from being goofy here

I do not know if this was made after or before Gato made her drawing with Strade and Ren.

Also here is Ren as Mei from Overwatch. From the look of the lineart it this pieces seems to be made after btd1 and btd2 but Ren still has his glasses here and his meek look always included in EP's drawings of him so I'm assuming its after or btd1 and not after btd2.

I could be wrong though and EP could have put Rens glasses back on for old times sake.

because there isn't anymore EP Ren art found we'll be going on to Gatos artwork of Ren.

This is presumably Gatos first drawing of Ren (also Strades here too but this isnt about him) This drawing is the first time Ren had been featured on her dark-blog and Gato herself thinks that this is probably the first ever drawing of him

Warning: Torture

I would say it seemed like EP treated Ren physically better than Gato

Theres a lot of more Gato work of Ren and Strade but I'm not going to all those here because they are exactly important

Lets get on with Boyfriend to Death.

Boyfriend To Death

If you somehow don't know what BTD it is a horrorporn game made by 3 friends Darqx, Gatobob and Electricpuke. It features 3 incredible bastards Rire, Strade and Sano.

Strade is the only one who matters in this page because of how he relates to Ren.

The beginnging of Strades path and the ending where he keeps you is basically what Ren also went through

This will all be explained more in depth later.

Gato was the one who wrote everything for Strade's path including Ren even though she said the character trade wasn't fully finished yet.

Thats also why Ren still has glasses in BTD1, she stated that she wanted to honour his design

"Ask about missing glasses"

thats all for now for BTD1. Like I mentioned before he was only a minor character in the game but in the second game he is pretty significant and is now a main character.

Gatobob talking about the main designs before btd

Gato ended up getting attached to Ren and saw him more than just a character to always be victimized. Around before or a little after BTD2 was being made the character trade was finished and official.

Ren was the first character Gatobob had in mind for BTD2. The image above was one of the first concept sketches of him.

theres not much else to say about BTD2 Ren when talking about his history as a fictional character. Just the fact that he became the way he is in BTD2 is big.

Electricpuke did draw BTD2 Ren suprising. Most of the drawings are him with EP's character Vincent Metzger.

Warning: Implied sex

yes just literally fucking

The Price Of Flesh


Ren doesn't have much of a presence in this game. He appears at only the beginning unless you have the free DLC.

So like... what changed?

hes a dilf now.

not literally, hes definitely NOT A FATHER hes just aged.

the file name for this picture is "silver". It could that Gato is calling him a silver fox or because hes got them wrinkles and got that senior look to him... Hes only 47 though.

old enough to be our papi though

He is what would happen after Rens dark path in BTD2.

I can't find anything else to say about him, you'll learn more about him if you play the DLC.

Thats all for Rens history!